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Student Classes & Projects: Crucible Research Assignment - Mancarella & Genna

The Crucible Group Research Assignment

Research Guidelines:

  1. Your group will be assigned one of the five topics below that relate to the historical background of the play. 
  2. Each member of your group will be responsible for choosing one of the "talking points" beneath your topic to conduct research on, and present as their own individual slide in the group presentation.
  3. Your task is to find at least one (1) strong, reliable source online (LibGuide) or in print (book) that will give you five (5) pieces of information on your "talking point" for your individual slide in the presentation. IMPORTANT: Make sure you are discussing your findings with your group members so that you do not repeat information.

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Gale: Literature Resource Center

Gale In Context: High School

History Reference Center


Literary Reference Center

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Using Boolean Operators to Search on Databases

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